Learn to create your site and to market it

Create your site -> Make in page -> - Optimisation - Import - Ergonomy - Include
Create quizzes

II- Make in page

- Optimisation
It's the height of your files which give time to charge a page.

- Import
Category of files used for web whith the differents medias.

- Ergonomy
To surf easly on your web site.

- Include
How include some page or service on your web site.


- Download software to create your site

- Chapters directories and market your site will boost your promotion.

Web Site


II- 2:Import your medias

You will now unit your medias on page in langage .html (principal langage of web) or htm or php, asp...

Before importation, look that your files are in the good foolder, not to loose sometimes after in create again links. So, clean your folder on desktop (not in the logiciel).

Any formats are just for web and execut by navigators. It's the .jpg for photos oir the .gif for transparence, and animation pictures. The .mov or .mpeg for movies, the.mp3 for music... There is a lot of formats whitch can transmit info, but they need to be viewing by everybody.

Whith the help of a site page maker, look at the menu which imports the differents formats of files and to put on them in page. The essential fonctions are already easly to understand. Since you import them, medias are visible and you can move them again (Logiciels wysiwyg, what you see is what you get)..
You can too, whith a simple bloc-note, write ou code html (code source) in learning the principales indications(<HEAD>, <BODY>, <FONT>, <A>, <HREF>...) and you can copy/past code on page you found on web. After, you juste to save your page whith at the end .html (example : mypage.html) and to open the file whith your navigator.



The html no "contain" objects you import. Only texts, indices for make in page and hyperlinks to your medias are in the code, like few script and indices for search engines (look at promote).